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Everything You Need to Know About Purges in Conan Exiles

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If you’re a regular in my Twitch Community you may have been able to witness my catastrophic decision to do a never-ending wave of Purges for 4-hours straight resulting in me trying to figure out if this was even a good decision or if I had made a fatal mistake that I should regret.
Purges are a really interesting mechanic in Conan Exiles that are not typically explored by those who are on a single-player server and instead on a multi-player server with a good amount of players. Now, I have to say that while Purges are harder to actually manage when you’re playing on your own, they are quite a necessity as they will help you get the best Thralls in the game. Although it’s possible to progress through the game without relying on Thralls, the truth is that this approach makes the game significantly more challenging and limits access to certain areas. Having Thralls can help to make the game more accessible and enjoyable.
Now, as I’ve written about in the past, Thralls are not only useful for combat but actually provide players with a great deal of versatility when it comes to crafting and essentially providing players with recipes that they otherwise would not have had as well as a great amount of speed when crafting. While I personally waited, admittedly a bit too long, to get these types of Thralls, they make life a lot easier and will make it so you can hyper-optimize everything in Conan Exiles.
It’s no secret that gathering all the Thralls you need in Conan Exiles can be quite a tedious process. To make matters worse, converting them takes a lot of time. Solo players have it easier since they can use console commands or Admin privileges to speed up the process. However, it’s still worth the effort to gather and convert all the Thralls necessary for your adventures in the game. Initially, I was opposed to using cheats in my gameplay of Conan Exiles. However, as I progressed in my journey, particularly during the Purge Stream, it became overwhelming to fend off the constant waves of Purges. Using cheats became a necessity in order to keep up with the challenges that the game presented. It shouldn’t be a problem for most players who play the game normally, but it was an issue for me because I lowered all the settings to the minimum.
So, let’s get started on talking about everything you need to know about Purges, how to trigger them and what kind of Purges you can get in the game.

When playing on a co-op server in Conan Exiles, purges are automatically enabled. However, if someone is playing on a solo server, they won’t be able to receive a purge unless otherwise specified in the settings.
Here’s a guide for players who want to participate in purges alone, or in a co-op server when only one player is present.
First hit Escape, or your open Menu button on the controller.
Select Settings.
Select Server Settings.
Click Purge.
Enable Purge.
Purge Level selects what difficulty a player will enable when purging, I will cover more on this later in the post.
Purge Delay makes it so you can choose how often a Purge can happen after a Purge has just been completed. There will still be a timer when the Purge will actually start, but the lower the number the faster they will take place. Change this as you need.
Restrict Purge time is a modifier you would want to set on dedicated servers to ensure that Purges only happen during times where players are most active. If set as always there is a chance your base will be destroyed due to a lack of players on the server.
Purge Preparation Time is the number of minutes a player will have before the Purge actually begins. So, say you make it so a Purge has a 5-minute delay, players will have 5 minutes before they are notified of the next Purge and if the Purge Preparation time is also 5 minutes this means the player has a total of 10 minutes of downtime between Purges.
Purge Duration is the amount of time a player can experience a Purge for after this time expires all mobs will retreat. If you choose a shorter amount of time for the game, it will decrease your chances of facing multiple waves. However, it also means that you won’t have to worry about a very hard boss (like a Dragon) destroying your base completely as it will simply walk away if undefeated. I would modify this based on your needs as more Purges that are shorter tend to be better than fewer Purges that are longer.
Minimum Number of Online Players is both important for solo and co-op play. For solo-players, make sure this number is 1, but for co-op servers try to pick a number that seems good enough for players to band together and defeat all the waves.
Allow building means that you can continue to fix and expand your base once you’ve been notified of a Purge. I strongly recommend having this turned on.
Purge Meter Trigger Value is the factor that decides how many actions a player needs to do before they are eligible for Purging.
Purge Meter Update Interval is the amount of time it takes for your server to accept all the actions you took in order to be eligible to Purge. This will either increase the amount of Purges or decrease it based on the other settings mentioned before.
Intial Purge Delay is the amount of time it will take for the first purge to happen after a player has joined the server or the server has been turned on.

There are a number of tasks a player can complete to trigger a Purge, including the following:
Logging in provides 100 points and any death/respawn will be considered a log in.
Every 60 minutes players will gain 62.5 points (per player) organically.
Players earn 200 points every time they kill an opponent, even while using the Battle Standard on a PVE server. However, killing someone with a Tower of the Elephant doesn’t grant points.
If players kill any living creature, including other NPC humans or creatures, they will gain 200 Points. Players will not gain any points if their Follower kills something.
Building can provide you with points, though this is really tricky to explain and won’t tend to be a player’s way of getting points.
By default, players need 42,000 points to trigger a Purge, though this can be changed in the Settings I mentioned above.
Players must note that they may not see an update on their Purge meters as soon as they kill an enemy and this is due to the timer that is set in place. That only updates every 15 minutes unless changed otherwise.
If you want more purges, you could consider changing the interval for updates. However, I suggest keeping it at 15 minutes as it is a reasonable time frame for updates to occur.
Players can check if a purge is going to happen by looking at the Purge Meter in their Inventory screen when purges are active on the server.
When a player reaches around 75% of the bar, which is marked, players will have a chance to get purged. If players keep filling up the bar beyond 75%, it will trigger the next Purge. This means that it is possible to get two Purges one after the other if the game settings allow it.
It’s important for players to know that if there are multiple Clans on their server building up their Purge Meter at the same time, only one of the Clans will get the Purge. This means that even if multiple Clans fill up their Purge Meters at the same time, only one of them will be chosen for the Purge event. That being said, even if a clan fills up their Purge meter first, the second clan can still get the Purge as there is ultimately a bit of RNG in Purges.
It’s not known why Purges sometimes don’t occur in single player mode, but this might be because Purges are not a sure thing, even if the player fills their Purge bar. Now, with that being said, there are some limitations to who can be purged based on how big their base is and what materials they use to build it. This is in order to ensure that newer players are not overwhelmed by a Purge upon spawning in.
The following are said limitations:
To ensure that your base is ready to handle the Purge in Conan Exiles, you’ll need to have a minimum of 92 foundation pieces. While it’s unclear whether the type of material used matters, there have been reports of players with T1 foundations experiencing Purges. I would recommend that if you’re looking forward to having a Purge you at least begin with a T2 Foundation as soon as possible.
Now, with that being said, players can use this to their advantage if they want to create a separate base that is safe from Purges. For example, I have a base that contains all my Thralls which I don’t want to risk losing, one where I farm for better Thralls where all my Thralls have Truncheons and a resource farming base where all my Thralls have the best Weapons.
In regard to my “safe house” (ie. the base with my best Thralls and crafting stations) I only use Tier 1 materials and try to limit the amount of foundations I use, specifically using ceilings instead. It’s unclear whether having 92 tier 1 foundations will trigger a purge, as reports are conflicting. To be safe, use ceilings instead of foundations.
If you are still having difficulty spawning in a Purge make sure you’re well versed with the following console commands:

Fill Player Purge Meter: FillPlayerPurgeMeter
Fill Player Clan Purge Meter: FillPlayerClanPurgeMeter
Empty Player Clan Purge Meter: EmptyPlayerClanPurgeMeter
Fill Clan Purge Meter: FillClanPergeMeter – This command is currently misspelled in game, so make sure you spell it “right”
Fill All Clan Purge Meters: FillAllClanPurgeMeters
Empty All Clan Purge Meters: EmptyAllClanPurgeMeters
Start Purge: StartPlayerPurge
End Purge: EndPurge
Start Next Purge: StartNextPurgePhase – Initiates the start of a new Purge
Start Next Wave: StartNextWave – Initiates the start of the next wave of the current Purge

I personally had to use a mixture of these commands for my stream, specifically StartPlayerPurge, FillPlayerPurgeMeter and FillAllClanPurgeMeters. It was unclear why this was, but once my first Purge was complete all the rest triggered as expected.

Many players may be too eager and believe that they can handle the toughest fights, but I advise carefully increasing the difficulty of Purges at a comfortable pace.
It’s true that the best Purge NPCs are found in the most difficult waves, but if you jump into one without practice, it can result in a lot of dead Thralls. I think I started with 30 Thralls that were Tier 3 and by the third Purge all of them were dead. This is mostly an issue when you don’t have enough time to recover. My biggest problem was that some Thralls took hundreds of minutes to train.
Players need to note the following multipliers when it comes to the difficulty of Purges as it affects both the damage to the player and their structures:
Purge level 1 increases damage by 5 times.
Purge level 2 increases damage by 5 times.
Purge level 3 increases damage by 10 times.
Purge level 4 increases damage by 15 times.
Purge level 5 increases damage by 20 times.
Purge level 6 increases damage by 25 times.
The somewhat unfortunate reality is that each area where Purges can happen are tied to specific levels, so if your settings are too low and you are in an area with only high level Purges you may never experience one.
On the same note, if you base in the beginning area you will not receive any Purges and you must be North of the river or higher in order to get a Purge.

As I’ve only played the base game of Conan Exiles, I’m only aware of the best place to Purge in the Exiles.
It is marked in the small to the left. Players must be certain that they do not build outside of the area documented as this will bring on the hardest type of Mobs the Beasts, but if they are up for a battle they can make this base as large as they want to conquer almost all enemies.
This area provides you with the most humans in the game and covers the most locations in the game without having to build multiple bases.

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