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Mike Mearls' New Job

 Hiring Mike Mearls shows that a certain larger company has ambitions that require someone who actually knows something about RPGs, unlike WotC.#dnd #ttrpg #osr 

Blaine’s Puzzle Blog: NPR Sunday Puzzle (May 5, 2024): Rhyme Doesn’t Pay

NPR Sunday Puzzle (May 5, 2024): Rhyme Doesn't PayQ: Think of three common six-letter words that have vowels in the second and fifth positions....

Car Mechanic Garage lets you run an auto repair shop

Upgrade and expand your garage Gain high-profile VIP clients Expand your repair shop empire across the city If you've ever dreamed of becoming a car mechanic, here's...

Ask a Game Dev — Harder Than You Think: Ladders

Welcome to Harder Than You Think, a series about things that seem fairly easy to an outsider but can rapidly spiral into extremely complicated...

Daughter of Serpents – WON! (plus alternate paths and Final Rating)

Written by Vetinari We have left our heroes on the verge of rushing in towards the temple. We take the cultist by surprise, and Cameron tells me to...

Meshtastic VS PMR Walkie Talkies

In the realm of communication devices, particularly those used for outdoor adventures, emergency preparedness, or remote work, two prominent technologies stand out: Meshtastic (Lora)...