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Mosey Through The Galaxy As Sad Space Cowboys

The dysfunctional family of a spacefaring crew is an archetype that’s proven to be fertile ground for science fiction and role playing games. Star...

Supercell’s Squad Busters being the lone mobile-only title in Summer Game Fest 2024 is a thought to ponder

I was excited to see the lineup of games that were unveiled at the Summer Game Fest 2024 this Friday and was keen to...

Ask a Game Dev

The most common answer in all of game dev is always “it depends”. Most game development falls along a spectrum with one extreme end...

The Adventurers Guild: Homeworld – Endgame Escape (Won!)

We're in the home stretch, having used the TransWarp technology to rendezvous with the Artifact en route to the Assassin homeworld. I need to...

The Veilguard First Gameplay Ups The Action

Image: BioWareAfter nearly ten years of waiting, we finally have the first (officially sanctioned) gameplay footage of Dragon Age: The Veilguard. BioWare has released...