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Dark and Darker Mobile gets global beta test in August

After an overwhelmingly positive response to the first Dark and Darker Mobile beta test, which saw lucky...

Developer Spotlight & Updated Integration Documents

Updated Integration DocsTo make our onboarding process more efficient, we've updated our integration documentation here.We also created a Photoshop file for previewing how your...

Reviews of Indika, Open Roads, Duck Detective, Rauniot & more — Adventure Games Podcast

In another bumper episode Laura aka Cressup goes on the run as a nun as she reviews Indika, Seoirse takes to the...

Rebel Moon’s ‘sexier, bloodier’ Snyder Cut hits Netflix in August

Zack Snyder spent years quietly hyping up his director’s cut of Justice League and activating the #ReleasetheSnyderCut hive before Warner Bros., in...

Pathless Woods Early Access Impressions

An Early Access code was provided, with many thanks to JF Games PR Comms.Pathless Woods from AniYa Games Studio has landed on Steam in...

What Do I Know About Reviews? Guide to the Labyrinth (Tales of the Valiant)

There were a lot of milestones in my appreciation of D&D, and one of the big ones was when I first started reading the...