June UpdateRight now it is all about fantasy with two fantasy themed campaign running:Hal and Roger’s Creature Compendium 2 Over 70 creatures accompanied by pictures and Hal and Roger’s notes about the creatures and encountering them in the wild. From the big to the small, all types are in here! Kickstarter campaign here. (Ends Monday 10th June)Tomb of the Golden Doors A new adventure for DnD5e which is a classic dungeon delve with a suitable volume of traps, creatures and surprises. Kickstarter campaign here. (Ends Tuesday 11th June) Starship Scavengers: Trouble on Helanga This adventure is with the editor and will be released as soon as it returns. Frontier Gazette The supplement for Scavengers above, we released the second edition in PDF form earlier this week and the printed version will be released with Helanga later in June. The PDF is available in the store. Final Quest We are waiting for the playing cards to come back from the printers and then we will be posting out the final copies to backers later in June. Arcane Index Vol 3: Locations This is on the cusp of going to the editor and will be fulfilled later in June.The Oracle Issue 47, Secret Societies Due back from the printers next week when it will be posted out. PDF available here.
Creating/Developing/DraftingStarship Scavengers: Firebird Down The next adventure for our solo play sci-fi game, and along with that will come Frontier Gazette Issue 3, containing Firebird Lost, a mini prequel adventure. Should be on Kickstarter in late June.The Oracle Issue 48: Fantasy Gardens theme And the final issue in volume 4! Coming to Kickstarter mid June.Fantasy playing card deck (no deck name yet)A solo play post apocalyptic courier riding game (motorcycles, marauders and mayhem) which was in production prior to seeing Furiosa at the cinema but might have had a boost because of that film! (name tbc)Solo play noir detective / horror game which is a very loose idea currently but will become more in time hopefully (no name yet)Neo City Cyber Tarot needs a little more content written but close to fulfilment and we need to plan a release window shortlySeveral Pocket Quest games are either finished or nearly finished and we have a further one to put through play testing. These will likely come out this year in their own Kickstarter campaign.Zilight: Bare Bones Keeps shuffling around on the schedule like a zombie in a windstorm. We need to grab it and bring it forward into the light!YouTube Channel Yes, it is likely to happen.
Solstice DnD adventure/KS campaign isn’t happening this year. I’m gutted but there are a few reasons that made this not viable this year. Podcast Might get folded into the YouTube channel. A decision needs to be made.Abracadabra Remastered An updated version of the book that won me the ENNIE award. My preference would be to do this fairly soon but I’m struggling to see where it would fit over the next couple of months. As you can see, I and the team are staying busy and we are looking forward to a creative and constructive June.Until next time, keep gaming.